Monthly Archives: May, 2016


Donations of our friends are being been put to work in Northern Potosí, where the local county government has assumed full financial and administrative responsibility of the project in Uyuni and Capunita, run by Fundación Pueblo until 2016. 100% of running costs have been incorporated in the county’s 2016 budget. In an effort to maintain quality of service, Fundación Pueblo maintains presence


A particularly spectacular fundraiser took place at this years Oltiger-Määrt. Tobias Martin and Florence Brenzikofer, former volunteers for Fundación Pueblo, delighted both young and old with their homemade wooden Ferris wheel. The voluntary contributions of the Ferris wheel riders directly benefited the “weekly boarding with host families” program. During their volunteering time in northern

Fundación Pueblo 2024, La Paz.
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