Author Archives: voluntario


The final year students of Jorge Zalles school in La Chojlla saw their school hall transformed into a seminar for young leaders. With the help of experts from the organisation "Wayna Hilana Yanapana" (Education for Integration), who shaped the design and contents of the seminar, the young people could strengthen their self-confidence  and  learn important skills such as team spirit


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Es un albergue juvenil que cada año recibe hasta 16 becarias para que tengan formación técnica en diferentes carreras apoyadas por la Fundación Pueblo. 20141219-PaginaSiete-CasaDelFuturo_JovenesMujeresForjanManiana


45 voluntarios hicieron tereas de limpieza en el camino a Takesi. 20141126-ElDiario-FP_ColegioCalvertLimpianCaminoTakesi


Barbara Heiss berichtet der Eine-Welt-Gruppe von ihrer Arbeit in Bolivien / Gastfamilien für Schüler. 20141122-BBV-BarbaraHeiss_1WeltGruppeWerthVortrag


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Fundación Pueblo 2024, La Paz.
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