Category Archives: Project news


In June, a total of 263 women successfully completed vocational training provided by our women's project in the first half of the year. The skills obtained were exhibited during a public exhibition in El Alto, the final part of the exams required to obtain their certificates of achievement. Our team, as well as guests from the municipality of El Alto and cooperating NGOs, were particularly pleased


Most schools in the small Guaraní dwellings in the extensive Chaco Region do not offer more than 6 years of elementary school, such as in Tentapiao. After that, the kids have the chance to apply for a place in our “Weekly Boarding with Families”, to continue secondary school in Tentaguazu village. In order to support the children's learning opportunities in their important primary school years,


April 12th is “Children’s Day” in Bolivia – a great opportunity for special activities, games and extra rich food in all of our different project locations in the country. The day in picures!


How did the participants in our project against violence and environmental destruction organise International Women's Day this year? Many of them took part in a demonstration on 8 March, where fellow civil society organisations came together to hold up their voices and placards for women's rights in El Alto. On the same day, a workshop was offered to all project participants in which


The summer vacation in Bolivia lasts from December to January. So what better month for a village clean-up than February, at the start of the new school year. The students in the communities where we run our boarding school thought so too. Practicing environmental education hands-on! The Chaco region of Bolivia is home to our boarding school run by indigenous families in Tentaguazu.


More than 300 women have already registered for the vocational courses that our project against violence and environmental destruction is offering in the new semester. Cooking, baking and sewing are still the most popular courses. However, thanks to the intensive public relations work of our project team, more and more women are willing to take an interest in activities other than the


The Fundación Pueblo team thanks you for your support this year and wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!


In October our project for the promotion of women in El Alto also offered courses in the countryside: In the Yungas, in Yanacachi and Huancane, we organized two workshops on gender roles and empowerment respectively for interested women. In the Entre Ríos district, we organized a baking workshop where participants learned how to make different types of pastries, such as empanadas, orange cake,


At the end of September, our two projects Public Access in Yanacachi and Promotion of Women in El Alto set out together to hike the pre-Columbian Takesi Trek. However, they were not on the trail just for fun. With trash bags in their luggage, they picked up trash left behind on the popular hiking trail. In mixed weather, the hikers descended more than 2,000 meters in altitude in two days on old


In mid-August, we assisted the Boundaries, Land and Territory Commission of the Yanacachi Municipal Council in organizing the event "Mining Concessions in Yanacachi County and the Threat to the Environment." At the beginning of the event, participants shared their observations: For example, the earth movements and the detour of the river caused by mining threaten roads and houses. In addition,


After three weeks of winter vacation, our scholarship holders returned to their classrooms on July 24. There was great reason for joy at the Tentaguazu Boarding School in Indigenous Families, where we were able to hand over the second set of multipurpose furniture to the scholarship holders at the beginning of the second half of the year. The furniture allows the children to store their laundry


In June, 16 children of the 2nd grade of Felix Ernesto Moscoso School visited our office in Yanacachi together with their teacher. The aim of the visit to the headquarters of our project "Access to Civic Information" was to find out how rural radio works in Yanacachi. Our reporter Oscar García explained that in the past, a recording device called "little box" was used to record radio reports.

Fundación Pueblo 2024, La Paz.
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